Class NestedCredentialHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • NestedCredentialHandler

        public NestedCredentialHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • matches

        public boolean matches​(java.lang.String inputCredentials,
                               java.lang.String storedCredentials)
        Description copied from interface: CredentialHandler
        Checks to see if the input credentials match the stored credentials
        Specified by:
        matches in interface CredentialHandler
        inputCredentials - User provided credentials
        storedCredentials - Credentials stored in the Realm
        true if the inputCredentials match the storedCredentials, otherwise false
      • mutate

        public java.lang.String mutate​(java.lang.String inputCredentials)
        The input credentials will be passed to the first nested CredentialHandler. If no nested CredentialHandler are configured then null will be returned. Generates the equivalent stored credentials for the given input credentials.
        Specified by:
        mutate in interface CredentialHandler
        inputCredentials - User provided credentials
        The equivalent stored credentials for the given input credentials
      • addCredentialHandler

        public void addCredentialHandler​(CredentialHandler handler)