Package org.apache.catalina.startup

package org.apache.catalina.startup
  • Class
    Bootstrap loader for Catalina.
    Startup/Shutdown shell program for Catalina.
    Utility class to read the bootstrap Catalina configuration.
    Rule implementation that creates an SSLHostConfigCertificate.
    Utility class for building class loaders for Catalina.
    Rule implementation that creates a connector.
    String constants for the startup package.
    Startup event listener for a Context that configures the properties of that Context, and the associated defined servlets.
    RuleSet for processing the contents of a Context definition element.
    Rule that copies the parentClassLoader property from the next-to-top item on the stack (which must be a Container) to the top item on the stack (which must also be a Container).
    RuleSet for processing the contents of a CredentialHandler definition element.
    Startup event listener for an Engine that configures the properties of that Engine, and the associated defined contexts.
    RuleSet for processing the contents of a Engine definition element.
    Expand out a WAR in a Host's appBase.
    An implementation of Context that is used as a place-holder for deployed applications when their deployment fails and a Context instance (usually StandardContext but may be any Context implementation) cannot be created.
    Concrete implementation of the UserDatabase interface considers all directories in a directory whose pathname is specified to our constructor to be "home" directories for those users.
    Startup event listener for a Host that configures the properties of that Host, and the associated defined contexts.
    This class represents the state of a deployed application, as well as the monitored resources.
    RuleSet for processing the contents of a Host definition element.
    Rule that creates a new LifecycleListener and associates it with the top object on the stack which must implement Container.
    RuleSet for processing the JNDI Enterprise Naming Context resource declaration elements.
    Concrete implementation of the UserDatabase interface that processes the /etc/passwd file on a Unix system.
    RuleSet for processing the contents of a Realm definition element.
    Provides a ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory that provides ForkJoinWorkerThreads that won't trigger memory leaks due to retained references to web application class loaders.
    Rule that uses the introspection utils to set properties.
    Rule that uses the introspection utils to set properties of a context (everything except "path").
    Rule implementation that calls a method on the (top-1) (parent) object, passing the top object (child) as an argument.
    Minimal tomcat starter for embedding/unit tests.
    Fix reload - required if reloading and using programmatic configuration.
    Helper class for wrapping existing servlets.
    Fix startup sequence - required if you don't use web.xml.
    General purpose wrapper for command line tools that should execute in an environment with the common class loader environment set up by Catalina.
    Startup event listener for a Host that configures Contexts (web applications) for all defined "users" who have a web application in a directory with the specified name in their home directories.
    Abstraction of the set of users defined by the operating system on the current server platform.
    Logs version information on startup.
    AnnotationSet for processing the annotations of the web application classes (/WEB-INF/classes and /WEB-INF/lib).
    A variation of Java's JAR ServiceLoader that respects exclusion rules for web applications.