Class Compiler

Direct Known Subclasses:
AntCompiler, JDTCompiler

public abstract class Compiler extends Object
Main JSP compiler class. This class uses Ant for compiling.
Anil K. Vijendran, Mandar Raje, Pierre Delisle, Kin-man Chung, Remy Maucherat, Mark Roth
  • Field Details

    • ctxt

      protected JspCompilationContext ctxt
    • errDispatcher

      protected ErrorDispatcher errDispatcher
    • pageInfo

      protected org.apache.jasper.compiler.PageInfo pageInfo
    • jsw

      protected JspServletWrapper jsw
    • tfp

      protected org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagFileProcessor tfp
    • options

      protected Options options
    • pageNodes

      protected org.apache.jasper.compiler.Node.Nodes pageNodes
  • Constructor Details

    • Compiler

      public Compiler()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(JspCompilationContext ctxt, JspServletWrapper jsw)
    • getPageNodes

      public org.apache.jasper.compiler.Node.Nodes getPageNodes()

      Retrieves the parsed nodes of the JSP page, if they are available. May return null. Used in development mode for generating detailed error messages.

      the page nodes
    • generateJava

      protected String[] generateJava() throws Exception
      Compile the jsp file into equivalent servlet in .java file
      a smap for the current JSP page, if one is generated, null otherwise
      Exception - Error generating Java source
    • generateClass

      protected abstract void generateClass(String[] smap) throws FileNotFoundException, JasperException, Exception
      Servlet compilation. This compiles the generated sources into Servlets.
      smap - The SMAP files for source debugging
      FileNotFoundException - Source files not found
      JasperException - Compilation error
      Exception - Some other error
    • compile

      public void compile() throws FileNotFoundException, JasperException, Exception
      Compile the jsp file from the current engine context.
      FileNotFoundException - Source files not found
      JasperException - Compilation error
      Exception - Some other error
    • compile

      public void compile(boolean compileClass) throws FileNotFoundException, JasperException, Exception
      Compile the jsp file from the current engine context. As an side- effect, tag files that are referenced by this page are also compiled.
      compileClass - If true, generate both .java and .class file If false, generate only .java file
      FileNotFoundException - Source files not found
      JasperException - Compilation error
      Exception - Some other error
    • compile

      public void compile(boolean compileClass, boolean jspcMode) throws FileNotFoundException, JasperException, Exception
      Compile the jsp file from the current engine context. As an side- effect, tag files that are referenced by this page are also compiled.
      compileClass - If true, generate both .java and .class file If false, generate only .java file
      jspcMode - true if invoked from JspC, false otherwise
      FileNotFoundException - Source files not found
      JasperException - Compilation error
      Exception - Some other error
    • isOutDated

      public boolean isOutDated()
      This is a protected method intended to be overridden by subclasses of Compiler. This is used by the compile method to do all the compilation.
      true if the source generation and compilation should occur
    • isOutDated

      public boolean isOutDated(boolean checkClass)
      Determine if a compilation is necessary by checking the time stamp of the JSP page with that of the corresponding .class or .java file. If the page has dependencies, the check is also extended to its dependents, and so on. This method can by overridden by a subclasses of Compiler.
      checkClass - If true, check against .class file, if false, check against .java file.
      true if the source generation and compilation should occur
    • getErrorDispatcher

      public ErrorDispatcher getErrorDispatcher()
      the error dispatcher.
    • getPageInfo

      public org.apache.jasper.compiler.PageInfo getPageInfo()
      the info about the page under compilation
    • getCompilationContext

      public JspCompilationContext getCompilationContext()
    • removeGeneratedFiles

      public void removeGeneratedFiles()
      Remove generated files
    • removeGeneratedClassFiles

      public void removeGeneratedClassFiles()