Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseModel
org.apache.taglibs.rdc A collection of data models for all RDCs and some helper classes. 
org.apache.taglibs.rdc.core The classes that make up the RDC framework. A set of classes that define the pluggable dialog management strategies for the RDC group container. 

Uses of BaseModel in org.apache.taglibs.rdc

Subclasses of BaseModel in org.apache.taglibs.rdc
 class Alpha
          Datamodel for the alpha RDC.
 class Alphanum
          Datamodel for the alphanumeric RDC.
 class Color
          Datamodel for the Color RDC.
 class Country
          Datamodel for the country RDC.
 class CreditCardAmount
          Datamodel for the credit card payment RDC.
 class CreditCardExpiry
          Datamodel for the credit card expiry date RDC.
 class CreditCardInfo
          DataModel for CreditCardInfo Composite RDC
 class CreditCardNumber
          Datamodel for the credit card number RDC.
 class CreditCardType
          Datamodel for the Credit Card Type.
 class Currency
          Datamodel for the currency RDC.
 class Date
          Datamodel for the date RDC.
 class DateRange
          DataModel for the DateRange Composite RDC
 class Digits
          Datamodel for the digits RDC.
 class Duration
          Datamodel for the duration RDC.
 class ISBN
          Datamodel for the isbn (International Standards Book number) RDC.
 class Mortgage
          DataModel for Mortgage Composite RDC
 class MortgageType
          DataModel for the Mortgage Term RDC
 class Number
          Datamodel for the number RDC.
 class Pause
          Datamodel for the pause RDC.
 class Percent
          Datamodel for the percent RDC.
 class SelectOne
          Datamodel for list RDC.
 class SocialSecurityNumber
          Datamodel for the ssn (social security number) RDC.
 class Time
          Datamodel for the time RDC.
 class USMajorCity
          Datamodel for the usMajorCity RDC.
 class USState
          Datamodel for the usState RDC.
 class ZipCode
          Datamodel for the zipCode RDC.

Methods in org.apache.taglibs.rdc that return BaseModel
static BaseModel RDCUtils.getChildDataModel(BaseModel parent, java.lang.String childId)
          Return a nested data model
 BaseModel GetDefaultConfigTag.getModel()
          Get the BaseModel value.

Methods in org.apache.taglibs.rdc with parameters of type BaseModel
static boolean RDCUtils.clearChildDataModel(BaseModel parent, java.lang.String childId)
          Clear a nested data model
static BaseModel RDCUtils.getChildDataModel(BaseModel parent, java.lang.String childId)
          Return a nested data model
 void GetDefaultConfigTag.setModel(BaseModel model)
          Set the BaseModel value.

Uses of BaseModel in org.apache.taglibs.rdc.core

Subclasses of BaseModel in org.apache.taglibs.rdc.core
 class ComponentModel
          This is the base class for component models of composite RDCs.
 class GroupModel
          This is the book-keeping class for the RDC container group.
 class RDCTemplate
          A basic template using the default atomic FSM, meant to slash component development effort.

Uses of BaseModel in

Methods in with parameters of type BaseModel
static boolean DMUtils.isChildDone(BaseModel model)
          Return true if the given component or container is done.

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