Enum WsFrameBase.ReadState

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<WsFrameBase.ReadState>, java.lang.constant.Constable
Enclosing class:

protected static enum WsFrameBase.ReadState extends Enum<WsFrameBase.ReadState>
 WAITING            - not suspended
                      Server case: waiting for a notification that data is ready to be read from the socket, the
                                   socket is registered to the poller
                      Client case: data has been read from the socket and is waiting for data to be processed

 PROCESSING         - not suspended
                      Server case: reading from the socket and processing the data
                      Client case: processing the data if such has already been read and more data will be read
                                   from the socket

 SUSPENDING_WAIT    - suspended, a call to suspend() was made while in WAITING state. A call to resume() will do
                      nothing and will transition to WAITING state

 SUSPENDING_PROCESS - suspended, a call to suspend() was made while in PROCESSING state. A call to resume() will
                      do nothing and will transition to PROCESSING state

 SUSPENDED          - suspended
                      Server case: processing data finished (SUSPENDING_PROCESS) / a notification was received
                                   that data is ready to be read from the socket (SUSPENDING_WAIT), socket is not
                                   registered to the poller
                      Client case: processing data finished (SUSPENDING_PROCESS) / data has been read from the
                                   socket and is available for processing (SUSPENDING_WAIT)
                      A call to resume() will:
                      Server case: register the socket to the poller
                      Client case: resume data processing

 CLOSING            - not suspended, a close will be sent

     resume           data to be        resume
     no action        processed         no action
  |---------------| |---------------| |----------|
  |               v |               v v          |
  |  |----------WAITING«--------PROCESSING----|  |
  |  |             ^   processing             |  |
  |  |             |   finished               |  |
  |  |             |                          |  |
  | suspend        |                     suspend |
  |  |             |                          |  |
  |  |          resume                        |  |
  |  |    register socket to poller (server)  |  |
  |  |    resume data processing (client)     |  |
  |  |             |                          |  |
  |  v             |                          v  |
  |                |                             |
  | data available |        processing finished  |