Package org.apache.jasper.compiler

Interface Summary
ErrorHandler Interface for handling JSP parse and javac compilation errors.

Class Summary
BeanRepository Holds instances of {session, application, page}-scoped beans
Collector Collect info about the page and nodes, and make them availabe through the PageInfo object.
Compiler Main JSP compiler class.
ErrorDispatcher Class responsible for dispatching JSP parse and javac compilation errors to the configured error handler.
Generator Generate Java source from Nodes
JavacErrorDetail Class providing details about a javac compilation error.
JspDocumentParser Class implementing a parser for a JSP document, that is, a JSP page in XML syntax.
JspReader JspReader is an input buffer for the JSP parser.
JspRuntimeContext Class for tracking JSP compile time file dependencies when the &060;%@include file="..."&062; directive is used.
JspUtil This class has all the utility method(s).
Mark Mark represents a point in the JSP input.
Node An internal data representation of a JSP page or a JSP docuement (XML).
Node.Comment Represents a Jsp comment Comments are kept for completeness.
Node.CustomTag Represents a custom tag
Node.Declaration Represents a declaration
Node.Expression Represents an expression.
Node.FallBackAction Represents a fallback action
Node.ForwardAction Represents a forward action
Node.GetProperty Represents a getProperty action
Node.IncludeAction Represents an include action
Node.IncludeDirective Represents an include directive
Node.JspAttribute Represents attributes that can be request time expressions.
Node.JspRoot Represents the root of a Jsp document (XML syntax)
Node.JspText Represents the body of a element
Node.Nodes An ordered list of Node, used to represent the body of an element, or a jsp page of jsp document.
Node.PageDirective Represents a page directive
Node.ParamAction Represents a param action
Node.ParamsAction Represents a params action
Node.PlugIn Represents a plugin action
Node.Root Represents the root of a Jsp page or Jsp document
Node.ScriptingElement Represents an expression, declaration, or scriptlet
Node.Scriptlet Represents a scriptlet
Node.SetProperty Represents a setProperty action
Node.TaglibDirective Represents a custom taglib directive
Node.TemplateText Represents a template text string
Node.UninterpretedTag Represents an uninterpreted tag, from a Jsp document
Node.UseBean Represents a useBean action
Node.Visitor A visitor class for visiting the node.
PageDataImpl An implementation of javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.PageData which builds the XML view of a given page.
Parser This class implements a parser for a JSP page (non-xml view).
ParserController Controller for the parsing of a JSP page.
ScriptingVariabler Class responsible for determining the scripting variables that every custom action needs to declare.
ServletWriter This is what is used to generate servlets.
TagLibraryInfoImpl Implementation of the TagLibraryInfo class from the JSP spec.
TldLocationsCache A container for all tag libraries that are defined "globally" for the web application.
Validator Performs validation on the page elements.

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