Class LifecycleListenerRule


public class LifecycleListenerRule extends Rule
Rule that creates a new LifecycleListener and associates it with the top object on the stack which must implement Container. The implementation class to be used is determined by:
  1. Does the top element on the stack specify an implementation class using the attribute specified when this rule was created?
  2. Does the parent Container of the Container on the top of the stack specify an implementation class using the attribute specified when this rule was created?
  3. Use the default implementation class specified when this rule was created.
  • Constructor Details

    • LifecycleListenerRule

      public LifecycleListenerRule(String listenerClass, String attributeName)
      Construct a new instance of this Rule.
      listenerClass - Default name of the LifecycleListener implementation class to be created
      attributeName - Name of the attribute that optionally includes an override name of the LifecycleListener class
  • Method Details

    • begin

      public void begin(String namespace, String name, Attributes attributes) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: Rule
      This method is called when the beginning of a matching XML element is encountered. The default implementation is a NO-OP.
      begin in class Rule
      namespace - the namespace URI of the matching element, or an empty string if the parser is not namespace aware or the element has no namespace
      name - the local name if the parser is namespace aware, or just the element name otherwise
      attributes - The attribute list of this element
      Exception - if an error occurs while processing the event