Uses of Class

Packages that use TomcatManagerResponse

Uses of TomcatManagerResponse in org.apache.tomcat.maven.common.deployer

Methods in org.apache.tomcat.maven.common.deployer that return TomcatManagerResponse
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deploy(String path, InputStream war)
          Deploys the specified WAR as a HTTP PUT to the specified context path.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deploy(String path, InputStream war, boolean update)
          Deploys the specified WAR as a HTTP PUT to the specified context path, optionally undeploying the webapp if it already exists.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deploy(String path, InputStream war, boolean update, String tag)
          Deploys the specified WAR as a HTTP PUT to the specified context path, optionally undeploying the webapp if it already exists and using the specified tag name.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deploy(String path, InputStream war, boolean update, String tag, long length)
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deploy(String path, URL war)
          Deploys the specified WAR as a URL to the specified context path.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deploy(String path, URL war, boolean update)
          Deploys the specified WAR as a URL to the specified context path, optionally undeploying the webapp if it already exists.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deploy(String path, URL war, boolean update, String tag)
          Deploys the specified WAR as a URL to the specified context path, optionally undeploying the webapp if it already exists and using the specified tag name.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deployContext(String path, URL config)
          Deploys the specified context XML configuration to the specified context path.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deployContext(String path, URL config, boolean update)
          Deploys the specified context XML configuration to the specified context path, optionally undeploying the webapp if it already exists.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deployContext(String path, URL config, boolean update, String tag)
          Deploys the specified context XML configuration to the specified context path, optionally undeploying the webapp if it already exists and using the specified tag name.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deployContext(String path, URL config, URL war)
          Deploys the specified context XML configuration and WAR as a URL to the specified context path.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deployContext(String path, URL config, URL war, boolean update)
          Deploys the specified context XML configuration and WAR as a URL to the specified context path, optionally undeploying the webapp if it already exists.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.deployContext(String path, URL config, URL war, boolean update, String tag)
          Deploys the specified context XML configuration and WAR as a URL to the specified context path, optionally undeploying the webapp if it already exists and using the specified tag name.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.getResources()
          Lists all of the global JNDI resources.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.getResources(String type)
          Lists the global JNDI resources of the given type.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.getRoles()
          Lists the security role names and corresponding descriptions that are available.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.getServerInfo()
          Lists information about the Tomcat version, OS, and JVM properties.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.getSessions(String path)
          Lists the default session timeout and the number of currently active sessions for the given context path.
protected  TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.invoke(String path)
          Invokes Tomcat manager with the specified command.
protected  TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.invoke(String path, InputStream data, long length)
          Invokes Tomcat manager with the specified command and content data.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.list()
          Lists all the currently deployed web applications.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.reload(String path)
          Reloads the webapp at the specified context path.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManagerResponse.setHttpResponseBody(String httpResponseBody)
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManagerResponse.setReasonPhrase(String reasonPhrase)
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManagerResponse.setStatusCode(int statusCode)
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.start(String path)
          Starts the webapp at the specified context path.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.stop(String path)
          Stops the webapp at the specified context path.
 TomcatManagerResponse TomcatManager.undeploy(String path)
          Undeploys the webapp at the specified context path.

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