CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.5.


File Line
org/apache/tomcat/maven/plugin/tomcat7/run/AbstractExecWarMojo.java 360
org/apache/tomcat/maven/plugin/tomcat7/run/AbstractStandaloneWarMojo.java 150
            if ( serverXml != null && serverXml.exists() )
                os.putArchiveEntry( new JarArchiveEntry( "conf/server.xml" ) );
                IOUtils.copy( new FileInputStream( serverXml ), os );
                properties.put( Tomcat7Runner.USE_SERVER_XML_KEY, Boolean.TRUE.toString() );
                properties.put( Tomcat7Runner.USE_SERVER_XML_KEY, Boolean.FALSE.toString() );

            os.putArchiveEntry( new JarArchiveEntry( "conf/web.xml" ) );
            IOUtils.copy( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/conf/web.xml" ), os );

            properties.store( tmpPropertiesFileOutputStream, "created by Apache Tomcat Maven plugin" );


            os.putArchiveEntry( new JarArchiveEntry( Tomcat7RunnerCli.STAND_ALONE_PROPERTIES_FILENAME ) );
            IOUtils.copy( new FileInputStream( tmpPropertiesFile ), os );

            // add tomcat classes
            for ( Artifact pluginArtifact : pluginArtifacts )
                if ( StringUtils.equals( "org.apache.tomcat", pluginArtifact.getGroupId() ) || StringUtils.equals(
                    "org.apache.tomcat.embed", pluginArtifact.getGroupId() ) || StringUtils.equals(
                    "org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler", pluginArtifact.getGroupId() ) || StringUtils.equals( "commons-cli",
                                                                                                          pluginArtifact.getArtifactId() )
                    || StringUtils.equals( "tomcat7-war-runner", pluginArtifact.getArtifactId() ) )
                    JarFile jarFile = new JarFile( pluginArtifact.getFile() );
                    extractJarToArchive( jarFile, os, null );

            // add extra dependencies
            if ( extraDependencies != null && !extraDependencies.isEmpty() )
                for ( Dependency dependency : extraDependencies )
                    String version = dependency.getVersion();
                    if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( version ) )
                        version = findArtifactVersion( dependency );

                    if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( version ) )
                        throw new MojoExecutionException(
                            "Dependency '" + dependency.getGroupId() + "':'" + dependency.getArtifactId()
                                + "' does not have version specified" );
                    // String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String scope, String type
                    Artifact artifact =
                        artifactFactory.createArtifact( dependency.getGroupId(), dependency.getArtifactId(), version,
                                                        dependency.getScope(), dependency.getType() );

                    artifactResolver.resolve( artifact, this.remoteRepos, this.local );
                    JarFile jarFile = new JarFile( artifact.getFile() );
                    extractJarToArchive( jarFile, os, excludes );
File Line
org/apache/tomcat/maven/plugin/tomcat7/run/AbstractExecWarMojo.java 424
org/apache/tomcat/maven/plugin/tomcat7/run/AbstractStandaloneWarMojo.java 213
                    extractJarToArchive( jarFile, os, excludes );

            Manifest manifest = new Manifest();

            Manifest.Attribute mainClassAtt = new Manifest.Attribute();
            mainClassAtt.setName( "Main-Class" );
            mainClassAtt.setValue( mainClass );
            manifest.addConfiguredAttribute( mainClassAtt );

            manifest.write( tmpManifestWriter );

            os.putArchiveEntry( new JarArchiveEntry( "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" ) );
            IOUtils.copy( new FileInputStream( tmpManifestFile ), os );

            if ( attachArtifact )
                //MavenProject project, String artifactType, String artifactClassifier, File artifactFile
                projectHelper.attachArtifact( project, attachArtifactClassifierType, attachArtifactClassifier,
                                              execWarJar );

            if ( extraResources != null )
                for ( ExtraResource extraResource : extraResources )

                    DirectoryScanner directoryScanner = new DirectoryScanner();
                    directoryScanner.setBasedir( extraResource.getDirectory() );
                    directoryScanner.setExcludes( toStringArray( extraResource.getExcludes() ) );
                    directoryScanner.setIncludes( toStringArray( extraResource.getIncludes() ) );
                    for ( String includeFile : directoryScanner.getIncludedFiles() )
                        getLog().debug( "include file:" + includeFile );
                        os.putArchiveEntry( new JarArchiveEntry( includeFile ) );
                        IOUtils.copy( new FileInputStream( new File( extraResource.getDirectory(), includeFile ) ),
                                      os );

            if ( tomcatConfigurationFilesDirectory != null && tomcatConfigurationFilesDirectory.exists() )
                // Because its the tomcat default dir for configs
                String aConfigOutputDir = "conf/";
                copyDirectoryContentIntoArchive( tomcatConfigurationFilesDirectory, aConfigOutputDir, os );
        catch ( ManifestException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( ArchiveException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( ArtifactNotFoundException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e )
            throw new MojoExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
            IOUtils.closeQuietly( os );
            IOUtils.closeQuietly( tmpManifestWriter );
            IOUtils.closeQuietly( execWarJarOutputStream );
            IOUtils.closeQuietly( tmpPropertiesFileOutputStream );

File Line
org/apache/tomcat/maven/plugin/tomcat7/run/AbstractExecWarMojo.java 230
org/apache/tomcat/maven/plugin/tomcat7/run/AbstractStandaloneWarMojo.java 85

        File warExecFile = new File( buildDirectory, finalName );
        if ( warExecFile.exists() )

        File execWarJar = new File( buildDirectory, finalName );

        FileOutputStream execWarJarOutputStream = null;
        ArchiveOutputStream os = null;
        File tmpPropertiesFile = null;
        File tmpManifestFile = null;
        FileOutputStream tmpPropertiesFileOutputStream = null;
        PrintWriter tmpManifestWriter = null;

            tmpPropertiesFile = new File( buildDirectory, "war-exec.properties" );
            if ( tmpPropertiesFile.exists() )

            tmpManifestFile = new File( buildDirectory, "war-exec.manifest" );
            if ( tmpManifestFile.exists() )
            tmpPropertiesFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream( tmpPropertiesFile );
            execWarJarOutputStream = new FileOutputStream( execWarJar );

            tmpManifestWriter = new PrintWriter( tmpManifestFile );

            // store :
            //* wars in the root: foo.war
            //* tomcat jars
            //* file tomcat.standalone.properties with possible values :
            //   * useServerXml=true/false to use directly the one provided
            //   * enableNaming=true/false
            //   * wars=foo.war|contextpath;bar.war  ( |contextpath is optionnal if empty use the war name )
            //   * accessLogValveFormat=
            //   * connectorhttpProtocol: HTTP/1.1 or org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol
            //   * codeSourceContextPath=path parameter, default is project.artifactId
            //* optionnal: conf/ with usual tomcat configuration files
            //* MANIFEST with Main-Class

            Properties properties = new Properties();

            properties.put( Tomcat7Runner.ARCHIVE_GENERATION_TIMESTAMP_KEY,
                            Long.toString( System.currentTimeMillis() ) );
            properties.put( Tomcat7Runner.ENABLE_NAMING_KEY, Boolean.toString( enableNaming ) );
            properties.put( Tomcat7Runner.ACCESS_LOG_VALVE_FORMAT_KEY, accessLogValveFormat );
            properties.put( Tomcat7Runner.HTTP_PROTOCOL_KEY, connectorHttpProtocol );