Class StatusTransformer


public class StatusTransformer extends Object
This is a refactoring of the servlet to externalize the output into a simple class. Although we could use XSLT, that is unnecessarily complex.
Peter Lin
  • Constructor Details

    • StatusTransformer

      public StatusTransformer()
  • Method Details

    • setContentType

      public static void setContentType(HttpServletResponse response, int mode)
    • writeHeader

      public static void writeHeader(PrintWriter writer, Object[] args, int mode)
      Write an HTML or XML header.
      writer - the PrintWriter to use
      args - Path prefix for URLs
      mode - - 0 = HTML header, 1 = XML declaration, 2 = JSON
    • writeBody

      public static void writeBody(PrintWriter writer, Object[] args, int mode)
      Write the header body. XML output doesn't bother to output this stuff, since it's just title.
      writer - The output writer
      args - What to write
      mode - 0 means write
    • writeManager

      public static void writeManager(PrintWriter writer, Object[] args, int mode)
      Write the manager webapp information.
      writer - The output writer
      args - What to write
      mode - 0 means write
    • writePageHeading

      public static void writePageHeading(PrintWriter writer, Object[] args, int mode)
    • writeServerInfo

      public static void writeServerInfo(PrintWriter writer, Object[] args, int mode)
    • writeFooter

      public static void writeFooter(PrintWriter writer, int mode)
    • writeVMState

      public static void writeVMState(PrintWriter writer, int mode, Object[] args) throws Exception
      Write the VM state.
      writer - The output writer
      mode - Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
      args - I18n labels for the VM state values
      Exception - Propagated JMX error
    • writeConnectorsState

      public static void writeConnectorsState(PrintWriter writer, MBeanServer mBeanServer, List<ObjectName> threadPools, List<ObjectName> globalRequestProcessors, List<ObjectName> requestProcessors, int mode, Object[] args) throws Exception
      Write connector state.
      writer - The output writer
      mBeanServer - MBean server
      threadPools - MBean names for the thread pools of the connectors
      globalRequestProcessors - MBean names for the global request processors
      requestProcessors - MBean names for the request processors
      mode - Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
      args - I18n labels for the Connector state values
      Exception - Propagated JMX error
    • writeConnectorState

      public static void writeConnectorState(PrintWriter writer, ObjectName tpName, String name, MBeanServer mBeanServer, List<ObjectName> globalRequestProcessors, List<ObjectName> requestProcessors, int mode, Object[] args) throws Exception
      Write connector state.
      writer - The output writer
      tpName - MBean name of the thread pool
      name - Connector name
      mBeanServer - MBean server
      globalRequestProcessors - MBean names for the global request processors
      requestProcessors - MBean names for the request processors
      mode - Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
      args - I18n labels for the Connector state values
      Exception - Propagated JMX error
    • getConnectorName

      protected static String getConnectorName(String name)
      Return the connector name without the port, for auto port connectors.
      name - the connector name
      the name without the port for the auto connectors
    • writeProcessorState

      protected static void writeProcessorState(PrintWriter writer, ObjectName pName, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception
      Write processor state.
      writer - The output writer
      pName - MBean name of the processor
      mBeanServer - MBean server
      mode - Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
      Exception - Propagated JMX error
    • writeDetailedState

      public static void writeDetailedState(PrintWriter writer, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception
      Write applications state.
      writer - The output writer
      mBeanServer - MBean server
      mode - Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
      Exception - Propagated JMX error
    • writeContext

      protected static void writeContext(PrintWriter writer, ObjectName objectName, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception
      Write context state.
      writer - The output writer
      objectName - The context MBean name
      mBeanServer - MBean server
      mode - Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
      Exception - Propagated JMX error
    • writeManager

      public static void writeManager(PrintWriter writer, ObjectName objectName, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception
      Write detailed information about a manager.
      writer - The output writer
      objectName - The manager MBean name
      mBeanServer - MBean server
      mode - Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
      Exception - Propagated JMX error
    • writeJspMonitor

      public static void writeJspMonitor(PrintWriter writer, Set<ObjectName> jspMonitorONs, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception
      Write JSP monitoring information.
      writer - The output writer
      jspMonitorONs - The JSP MBean names
      mBeanServer - MBean server
      mode - Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
      Exception - Propagated JMX error
    • writeWrapper

      public static void writeWrapper(PrintWriter writer, ObjectName objectName, MBeanServer mBeanServer, int mode) throws Exception
      Write detailed information about a wrapper.
      writer - The output writer
      objectName - The wrapper MBean names
      mBeanServer - MBean server
      mode - Mode 0 will generate HTML. Mode 1 will generate XML.
      Exception - Propagated JMX error
    • formatSize

      public static String formatSize(Object obj, boolean mb)
      Display the given size in bytes, either as KiB or MiB.
      obj - The object to format
      mb - true to display MiB, false for KiB
      formatted size
    • formatTime

      public static String formatTime(Object obj, boolean seconds)
      Display the given time in ms, either as ms or s.
      obj - The object to format
      seconds - true to display seconds, false for milliseconds
      formatted time
    • formatSeconds

      public static String formatSeconds(Object obj)
      Formats the given time (given in seconds) as a string.
      obj - Time object to be formatted as string
      formatted time