Class JNDIRealm.JNDIConnection

Enclosing class:

protected static class JNDIRealm.JNDIConnection extends Object
Class holding the connection to the directory plus the associated non thread safe message formats.
John Holman, Craig R. McClanahan
  • Field Details

    • userSearchFormat

      public final MessageFormat userSearchFormat
      The MessageFormat object associated with the current userSearch.
    • userPatternFormatArray

      public final MessageFormat[] userPatternFormatArray
      An array of MessageFormat objects associated with the current userPatternArray.
    • roleBaseFormat

      public final MessageFormat roleBaseFormat
      The MessageFormat object associated with the current roleBase.
    • roleFormat

      public final MessageFormat roleFormat
      The MessageFormat object associated with the current roleSearch.
    • context

      public volatile DirContext context
      The directory context linking us to our directory server.
  • Constructor Details

    • JNDIConnection

      public JNDIConnection(String userSearch, String[] userPatternArray, String roleBase, String roleSearch)