Class ServiceBindingPropertySource

All Implemented Interfaces:
IntrospectionUtils.PropertySource, IntrospectionUtils.SecurePropertySource

public class ServiceBindingPropertySource extends Object implements IntrospectionUtils.SecurePropertySource
A IntrospectionUtils.SecurePropertySource that uses Kubernetes service bindings to resolve expressions.

The Kubernetes service binding specification can be found at

Usage example:

Configure the certificate with a service binding. When the service binding is constructed as follows:
           <Certificate certificateKeyFile="${custom-certificate.keyFile}"
                        type="RSA" />

The optional chomp: prefix will cause the ServiceBindingPropertySource to trim a single newline (\r\n, \r, or \n) from the end of the file, if it exists. This is a convenience for hand-edited files/values where removing a trailing newline is difficult, and trailing whitespace changes the meaning of the value.

How to configure:
   echo "org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.PROPERTY_SOURCE=org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.ServiceBindingPropertySource" >> conf/
or add this to CATALINA_OPTS
NOTE: When configured the PropertySource for resolving expressions from system properties is still active.
See Also: