Package org.apache.catalina.realm

This package contains Realm implementations for the various supported realm technologies for authenticating users and identifying their associated roles.


Class Summary
Constants Manifest constants for this Java package.
GenericPrincipal Generic implementation of that is available for use by Realm implementations.
JDBCRealm Implmentation of Realm that works with any JDBC supported database.
JNDIRealm Implementation of Realm that works with a directory server accessed via the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) APIs.
MemoryRealm Simple implementation of Realm that reads an XML file to configure the valid users, passwords, and roles.
RealmBase Simple implementation of Realm that reads an XML file to configure the valid users, passwords, and roles.

Package org.apache.catalina.realm Description

This package contains Realm implementations for the various supported realm technologies for authenticating users and identifying their associated roles. The Realm that is associated with a web application's Context (or a hierarchically superior Container) is used to resolve authentication and role presence questions when a web application uses container managed security as described in the Servlet API Specification, version 2.2.

The implementations share a common base class that supports basic functionality for all of the standard Realm implementations, and can be configured by setting the following properties (default values are in square brackets):

The standard Realm implementations that are currently available include the following (with additional configuration properties as specified):

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