Class StoreFactoryRule


public class StoreFactoryRule extends Rule

Rule that creates a new IStoreFactory instance, and associates it with the top object on the stack (which must implement IStoreFactory).

  • Constructor Details

    • StoreFactoryRule

      public StoreFactoryRule(String storeFactoryClass, String attributeName, String storeAppenderClass, String appenderAttributeName)
      Construct a new instance of this Rule.
      storeFactoryClass - Default name of the StoreFactory implementation class to be created
      attributeName - Name of the attribute that optionally includes an override name of the IStoreFactory class
      storeAppenderClass - The store appender class
      appenderAttributeName - The attribute name for the store appender class
  • Method Details

    • begin

      public void begin(String namespace, String name, Attributes attributes) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: Rule
      This method is called when the beginning of a matching XML element is encountered. The default implementation is a NO-OP.
      begin in class Rule
      namespace - the namespace URI of the matching element, or an empty string if the parser is not namespace aware or the element has no namespace
      name - the local name if the parser is namespace aware, or just the element name otherwise
      attributes - The attribute list of this element
      Exception - if an error occurs while processing the event
    • newInstance

      protected Object newInstance(String attr, String defaultName, Attributes attributes) throws ReflectiveOperationException
      Create new instance from attribute className!
      attr - class Name attribute
      defaultName - Default Class
      attributes - current digester attribute elements
      new configured object instance
      ReflectiveOperationException - Error creating an instance