Class UpgradeProcessorExternal

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, WebConnection, Processor

public class UpgradeProcessorExternal extends UpgradeProcessorBase
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getLog

      protected Log getLog()
      Specified by:
      getLog in class AbstractProcessorLight
      the logger associated with this processor type
    • close

      public void close() throws Exception
    • getInputStream

      public ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: javax.servlet.http.WebConnection
      Provides access to the ServletInputStream for reading data from the client.
      the input stream
      IOException - If an I/O occurs while obtaining the stream
    • getOutputStream

      public ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: javax.servlet.http.WebConnection
      Provides access to the ServletOutputStream for writing data to the client.
      the output stream
      IOException - If an I/O occurs while obtaining the stream
    • dispatch

      public final AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState dispatch(SocketEvent status)
      Description copied from class: AbstractProcessorLight
      Process an in-progress request that is not longer in standard HTTP mode. Uses currently include Servlet 3.0 Async and HTTP upgrade connections. Further uses may be added in the future. These will typically start as HTTP requests.
      Specified by:
      dispatch in class AbstractProcessorLight
      status - The event to process
      The state the caller should put the socket in when this method returns
    • setSslSupport

      public final void setSslSupport(SSLSupport sslSupport)
      Description copied from interface: Processor
      Set the SSL information for this HTTP connection.
      sslSupport - The SSL support object to use for this connection
    • pause

      public void pause()
      Description copied from interface: Processor
      Informs the processor that the underlying I/O layer has stopped accepting new connections. This is primarily intended to enable processors that use multiplexed connections to prevent further 'streams' being added to an existing multiplexed connection.