All Classes and Interfaces

An encapsulation of the evaluation of the body of an action so it is available to a tag handler.
The BodyTag interface extends IterationTag by defining additional methods that let a tag handler manipulate the content of evaluating its body.
A base class for defining tag handlers implementing BodyTag.
For a tag to declare that it accepts dynamic attributes, it must implement this interface.
As of JSP 2.1, replaced by javax.el.ELException
As of JSP 2.1, replaced by javax.el.ELException
Contains information about an error, for error pages.
As of JSP 2.1, replaced by javax.el.ValueExpression
As of JSP 2.1, replaced by javax.el.ExpressionFactory
Information for a function in a Tag Library.
As of JSP 2.1, replaced by javax.el.FunctionMapper
The HttpJspPage interface describes the interaction that a JSP Page Implementation Class must satisfy when using the HTTP protocol.
Provides resolution in EL for the implicit variables of a JSP page.
The IterationTag interface extends Tag by defining one additional method that controls the reevaluation of its body.
Stores application-scoped information for the JSP container.
JspContext serves as the base class for the PageContext class and abstracts all information that is not specific to servlets.
The JspEngineInfo is an abstract class that provides information on the current JSP engine.
A generic exception known to the JSP engine; uncaught JspExceptions will result in an invocation of the errorpage machinery.
The JspFactory is an abstract class that defines a number of factory methods available to a JSP page at runtime for the purposes of creating instances of various interfaces and classes used to support the JSP implementation.
Encapsulates a portion of JSP code in an object that can be invoked as many times as needed.
Interface that allows tag handlers to be provided with a unique (within the scope of the web application) ID.
The JspPage interface describes the generic interaction that a JSP Page Implementation class must satisfy; pages that use the HTTP protocol are described by the HttpJspPage interface.
Serves as a base class for Tag and SimpleTag.
Exception to be used by a Tag Handler to indicate some unrecoverable error.
The actions and template data in a JSP page is written using the JspWriter object that is referenced by the implicit variable out which is initialized automatically using methods in the PageContext object.
PageContext extends JspContext to provide useful context information for when JSP technology is used in a Servlet environment.
Translation-time information on a JSP page.
An ELResolver for working with JSP scoped attributes which may have page, request, session or application scope.
Interface for defining Simple Tag Handlers.
A base class for defining tag handlers implementing SimpleTag.
Exception to indicate the calling page must cease evaluation.
The interface of a classic tag handler that does not want to manipulate its body.
Wraps any SimpleTag and exposes it using a Tag interface.
Information on the attributes of a Tag, available at translation time.
The (translation-time only) attribute/value information for a tag instance.
Optional class provided by the tag library author to describe additional translation-time information not described in the TLD.
Tag information for a tag file in a Tag Library; This class is instantiated from the Tag Library Descriptor file (TLD) and is available only at translation time.
Tag information for a tag in a Tag Library; This class is instantiated from the Tag Library Descriptor file (TLD) and is available only at translation time.
Translation-time information associated with a taglib directive, and its underlying TLD file.
Translation-time validator class for a JSP page.
A base class for defining new tag handlers implementing Tag.
Variable information for a tag in a Tag Library; This class is instantiated from the Tag Library Descriptor file (TLD) and is available only at translation time.
The auxiliary interface of a Tag, IterationTag or BodyTag tag handler that wants additional hooks for managing resources.
A validation message from either TagLibraryValidator or TagExtraInfo.
Information on the scripting variables that are created/modified by a tag (at run-time).
As of JSP 2.1, replaced by javax.el.ELResolver