Class HostConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HostConfig extends Object implements LifecycleListener
Startup event listener for a Host that configures the properties of that Host, and the associated defined contexts.
Craig R. McClanahan, Remy Maucherat
  • Field Details

    • sm

      protected static final StringManager sm
      The string resources for this package.

      protected static final long FILE_MODIFICATION_RESOLUTION_MS
      The resolution, in milliseconds, of file modification times.
      See Also:
    • contextClass

      protected String contextClass
      The Java class name of the Context implementation we should use.
    • host

      protected Host host
      The Host we are associated with.
    • oname

      protected ObjectName oname
      The JMX ObjectName of this component.
    • deployXML

      protected boolean deployXML
      Should we deploy XML Context config files packaged with WAR files and directories?
    • copyXML

      protected boolean copyXML
      Should XML files be copied to $CATALINA_BASE/conf/<engine>/<host> by default when a web application is deployed?
    • unpackWARs

      protected boolean unpackWARs
      Should we unpack WAR files when auto-deploying applications in the appBase directory?
    • deployed

      protected final Map<String,HostConfig.DeployedApplication> deployed
      Map of deployed applications.
    • digester

      protected Digester digester
      The Digester instance used to parse context descriptors.
    • invalidWars

      protected final Set<String> invalidWars
      The list of Wars in the appBase to be ignored because they are invalid (e.g. contain /../ sequences).
  • Constructor Details

    • HostConfig

      public HostConfig()
  • Method Details

    • getContextClass

      public String getContextClass()
      the Context implementation class name.
    • setContextClass

      public void setContextClass(String contextClass)
      Set the Context implementation class name.
      contextClass - The new Context implementation class name.
    • isDeployXML

      public boolean isDeployXML()
      the deploy XML config file flag for this component.
    • setDeployXML

      public void setDeployXML(boolean deployXML)
      Set the deploy XML config file flag for this component.
      deployXML - The new deploy XML flag
    • isCopyXML

      public boolean isCopyXML()
      the copy XML config file flag for this component.
    • setCopyXML

      public void setCopyXML(boolean copyXML)
      Set the copy XML config file flag for this component.
      copyXML - The new copy XML flag
    • isUnpackWARs

      public boolean isUnpackWARs()
      the unpack WARs flag.
    • setUnpackWARs

      public void setUnpackWARs(boolean unpackWARs)
      Set the unpack WARs flag.
      unpackWARs - The new unpack WARs flag
    • lifecycleEvent

      public void lifecycleEvent(LifecycleEvent event)
      Process the START event for an associated Host.
      Specified by:
      lifecycleEvent in interface LifecycleListener
      event - The lifecycle event that has occurred
    • tryAddServiced

      public boolean tryAddServiced(String name)
      Add a serviced application to the list and indicates if the application was already present in the list.
      name - the context name
      true if the application was not already in the list
    • removeServiced

      public void removeServiced(String name)
      Removed a serviced application from the list.
      name - the context name
    • getDeploymentTime

      public long getDeploymentTime(String name)
      Get the instant where an application was deployed.
      name - the context name
      0L if no application with that name is deployed, or the instant on which the application was deployed
    • isDeployed

      public boolean isDeployed(String name)
      Has the specified application been deployed? Note applications defined in server.xml will not have been deployed.
      name - the context name
      true if the application has been deployed and false if the application has not been deployed or does not exist
    • createDigester

      protected static Digester createDigester(String contextClassName)
      Create the digester which will be used to parse context config files.
      contextClassName - The class which will be used to create the context instance
      the digester
    • returnCanonicalPath

      protected File returnCanonicalPath(String path)
    • getConfigBaseName

      public String getConfigBaseName()
      Get the name of the configBase. For use with JMX management.
      the config base
    • deployApps

      protected void deployApps()
      Deploy applications for any directories or WAR files that are found in our "application root" directory.
    • filterAppPaths

      protected String[] filterAppPaths(String[] unfilteredAppPaths)
      Filter the list of application file paths to remove those that match the regular expression defined by Host.getDeployIgnore().
      unfilteredAppPaths - The list of application paths to filter
      The filtered list of application paths
    • deployApps

      protected void deployApps(String name)
      Deploy applications for any directories or WAR files that are found in our "application root" directory.

      Note: It is expected that the caller has successfully added the app to servicedSet before calling this method.

      name - The context name which should be deployed
    • deployDescriptors

      protected void deployDescriptors(File configBase, String[] files)
      Deploy XML context descriptors.
      configBase - The config base
      files - The XML descriptors which should be deployed
    • deployDescriptor

      protected void deployDescriptor(ContextName cn, File contextXml)
      Deploy specified context descriptor.

      Note: It is expected that the caller has successfully added the app to servicedSet before calling this method.

      cn - The context name
      contextXml - The descriptor
    • deployWARs

      protected void deployWARs(File appBase, String[] files)
      Deploy WAR files.
      appBase - The base path for applications
      files - The WARs to deploy
    • deployWAR

      protected void deployWAR(ContextName cn, File war)
      Deploy packed WAR.

      Note: It is expected that the caller has successfully added the app to servicedSet before calling this method.

      cn - The context name
      war - The WAR file
    • deployDirectories

      protected void deployDirectories(File appBase, String[] files)
      Deploy exploded webapps.
      appBase - The base path for applications
      files - The exploded webapps that should be deployed
    • deployDirectory

      protected void deployDirectory(ContextName cn, File dir)
      Deploy exploded webapp.

      Note: It is expected that the caller has successfully added the app to servicedSet before calling this method.

      cn - The context name
      dir - The path to the root folder of the webapp
    • migrateLegacyApps

      protected void migrateLegacyApps()
    • migrateLegacyApp

      protected void migrateLegacyApp(File source, File destination)
    • deploymentExists

      protected boolean deploymentExists(String contextName)
      Check if a webapp is already deployed in this host.
      contextName - of the context which will be checked
      true if the specified deployment exists
    • addWatchedResources

      protected void addWatchedResources(HostConfig.DeployedApplication app, String docBase, Context context)
      Add watched resources to the specified Context.
      app - HostConfig deployed app
      docBase - web app docBase
      context - web application context
    • addGlobalRedeployResources

      protected void addGlobalRedeployResources(HostConfig.DeployedApplication app)
    • checkResources

      protected void checkResources(HostConfig.DeployedApplication app, boolean skipFileModificationResolutionCheck)
      Check resources for redeployment and reloading.
      app - The web application to check
      skipFileModificationResolutionCheck - When checking files for modification should the check that requires that any file modification must have occurred at least as long ago as the resolution of the file time stamp be skipped
    • beforeStart

      public void beforeStart()
    • start

      public void start()
      Process a "start" event for this Host.
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Process a "stop" event for this Host.
    • check

      protected void check()
      Check status of all webapps.
    • check

      public void check(String name)
      Check status of a specific web application and reload, redeploy or deploy it as necessary. This method is for use with functionality such as management web applications that upload new/updated web applications and need to trigger the appropriate action to deploy them. This method assumes that any uploading/updating has been completed before this method is called. Any action taken as a result of the checks will complete before this method returns.
      name - The name of the web application to check
    • checkUndeploy

      public void checkUndeploy()
      Check for old versions of applications using parallel deployment that are now unused (have no active sessions) and undeploy any that are found.
    • manageApp

      public void manageApp(Context context)
      Add a new Context to be managed by us. Entry point for the admin webapp, and other JMX Context controllers.
      context - The context instance
    • unmanageApp

      public void unmanageApp(String contextName)
      Remove a webapp from our control. Entry point for the admin webapp, and other JMX Context controllers.

      Note: It is expected that the caller has successfully added the app to servicedSet before calling this method.

      contextName - The context name