Package org.apache.tomcat.util.buf
package org.apache.tomcat.util.buf
Buffers and Encodings
This package contains buffers and utils to perform encoding/decoding of buffers. That includes byte to char conversions, URL encodings, etc.Encoding is a critical operation for performance. There are few tricks in this package - the C2B and B2C converters are caching an ISReader/OSWriter and keep everything allocated to do the conversions in any VM without any garbage.
This package must accommodate future extensions and additional converters ( most important: the nio.charset, which should be detected and used if available ). Also, we do have one hand-written UTF8Decoder, and other tuned encoders could be added.
My benchmarks ( I'm costin :-) show only small differences between C2B, B2C and hand-written codders/decoders, so UTF8Decoder may be disabled.
ClassDescriptionBase class for the *Chunk implementation to reduce duplication.This class implements some basic ASCII character handling functions.This is a very basic ASN.1 parser that provides the limited functionality required by Tomcat.NIO based character decoder.Simple wrapper for a
that remembers if the buffer has been flipped or not.This class is used to represent a chunk of bytes, and utilities to manipulate byte[].Input interface, used when the buffer is empty.When we need more space we'll either grow the buffer ( up to the limit ) or send it to a channel.NIO based character encoder.Utilities to manipulate char chunks.Input interface, used when the buffer is empty.When we need more space we'll either grow the buffer ( up to the limit ) or send it to a channel.Tables useful when converting byte arrays to and from strings of hexadecimal digits.This class is used to represent a subarray of bytes in an HTTP message.This class implements a String cache for ByteChunk and CharChunk.Utility methods to build a separated list from a given set (not java.util.Set) of inputs and return that list as a string or append it to an existing StringBuilder.All URL decoding happens here.Efficient implementation of a UTF-8 encoder.Utility class for working with URIs and URLs.Encodes characters as bytes using UTF-8.