U> Different types of socket states to react upon.AbstractJsseEndpoint<S,U> Acceptor<U>Callback interface to be able to expand buffers when buffer overflow exceptions happen or to replace buffersDeprecated.The APR/Native Connector will be removed in Tomcat 9.1.x onwards and has been removed from Tomcat 10.1.x onwards.SendfileData class.Deprecated.The APR/Native Connector will be removed in Tomcat 9.1.x onwards and has been removed from Tomcat 10.1.x onwards.Deprecated.Unused.This enumeration lists the different types of dispatches that request processing can trigger.IPv6 utilities.Base class for a SocketChannel wrapper used by the endpoint.NIO2 endpoint.SendfileData class.Base class for a SocketChannel wrapper used by the endpoint.NIO endpoint.PollerEvent, cacheable object for poller events to avoid GCSendfileData class.Implementation of a secure socket channel for NIO2.Implementation of a secure socket channelDefines events that occur per socket that require further processing by the container.Properties that can be set in the <Connector> element in server.xml.This interface is needed to override the default SSLContext class to allow SSL implementation pluggability without having to use JCE.Represents the TLS configuration for a virtual host.Provides a factory and base implementation for the Tomcat specific mechanism that allows alternative SSL/TLS implementations to be used without requiring the implementation of a full JSSE provider.Defines an interface used to manage SSL sessions.Defines an interface to interact with SSL sessions.Provides a common interface forSSLImplementation
s to create the necessary JSSE implementation objects for TLS connections created via the JSSE API.Optional interface that can be implemented bySSLEngine
s to indicate that they support ALPN and can provided the protocol agreed with the client.Common base class forSSLUtil
implementations.This class extracts the SNI host name and ALPN protocols from a TLS client-hello message.Provides an expandable set of buffers for writes.Interface implemented by clients of the WriteBuffer to enable data to be written back out from the buffer.